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CFP 4 relays output card

• An optional system expansion device for use with Context Plus CFP Standard 2-8 Zone Fire Panels.
• Provides four panel-controlled volt free relay outputs (reset, fault, aux. fire and remote).
• PCB mounts inside the Context Plus CFP fire panel.
• Reset relay is active during the panel’s reset cycle.
• Fault relay is active in any fault condition. This relay is failsafe and normally energised – if power is removed from the panel the relay will changeover to produce a fault signal.
• Aux. fire relay is active in an alarm condition provided all relevant delays have expired.
• Remote relay is active during any Alarm Condition provided all relevant delays have expired.
• Outputs are NOT designed to switch mains voltages.

• An optional system expansion device for use with Context Plus CFP Standard 2-8 Zone Fire Panels.
• Provides four panel-controlled volt free relay outputs (reset, fault, aux. fire and remote).
• PCB mounts inside the Context Plus CFP fire panel.
• Reset relay is active during the panel’s reset cycle.
• Fault relay is active in any fault condition. This relay is failsafe and normally energised - if power is removed from the panel the relay will changeover to produce a fault signal.
• Aux. fire relay is active in an alarm condition provided all relevant delays have expired.
• Remote relay is active during any Alarm Condition provided all relevant delays have expired.
• Outputs are NOT designed to switch mains voltages.

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